Nunc vulputate tortor vitae metus maximus facilisis. Nam nec urna non mauris sodales eleifend. Nullam eu erat in quam euismod eleifend ut vitae arcu. Ut lobortis est tellus, ut aliquam dui blandit commodo. Sed non iaculis nibh. Maecenas aliquam velit id dolor cursus rhoncus. Pellentesque dignissim posuere neque vitae ultrices. Fusce sed enim id odio mollis elementum vel at massa. Sed nisi dui, sodales vel metus ac, tempus placerat turpis. Phasellus non ex lectus. Praesent eu mauris libero. Aliquam in venenatis leo, sed mollis dolor. Aliquam ut pulvinar turpis. Sed id magna congue, ultrices tortor a, molestie sem. Etiam eget aliquam urna
Tanya Greve is a long time yoga teacher and yoga therapist who specializes in postpartum recovery, especially core and pelvic floor rehabilitation. After many years of teaching yoga, the birth of her 2 kids introduced her to new physical challenges and the recognition that a functional core is paramount to well-being and well moving. Drawing from her many years of teaching yoga to personalize a practice to suit the needs of her clients. Using the tools of meditation, pranayama, and the wisdom of the yogic texts, Tanya carefully crafts a session and home practice with the client.
Tanya has a serene home studio in Highland Park, CA that she dubs "The Yoga Garage" where she has taught small classes and private clients since 2010. One on one yoga sessions with Tanya a focus on postpartum recovery and core and pelvic floor rehabilitation.
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